Happy Birthday to Janet, Happy Birthday to Janet!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!
All my rowdy friends are coming over to party!
At this blog hop, it's a party!! Our fellow blog creators have come up with awesome projects from cards, to decor, to all sorts of ways to make your Birthday bash the best! Here at this hop, you get all the presents! Many of the blogs will offer their own "presents" (blog candy) and Janet will be giving away a Cricut Cartridge- Birthday Bash!
Today I am sharing two birthday projects with you...a special birthday treat!
The first is an altered CD mini-album page that I created. My page is part of an album of altered CD's dedicated to birthday celebrations, all done by different crafters. Of course, I'm only sharing mine on my page;

My second project is a birthday card...of course :) It is an easel card(my FIRST!) and I'm THRILLED with how it came out. :D I had step by step instructions to make an easel card from a magagzine that I was following. I'll be making more of this type in the future...I've fallen in love with this style!

You should have come from Lisa T if you did, great! You're in the right place! If you are reading via email or your reader or just happend upon my blog on the web, please be sure to go to Janet's blog to start from the beginning.
If you didn't, you might want to go back and check. They could be wearing a lampshade if they've partied to much...
If you have made it this far, congratulations! You have completed the hop :) I hope you have enjoyed everyone's projects. Be sure to return to Janet's blog and let her know that you enjoyed the hop.
If they're getting rowdy, just join in all the fun! Have fun!
If you get lost along the way the entire lineup is below.
I do love comments, I read them all...please leave me blog love :)
She'll be checking id's... just kidding... this is a famiy friendly event! And Happy Birthday to you! I'm either early or extremely late in wishing you a Happy Birthday, but it's the thought that counts!
Janet R.- http://janetscreativeworld.blogspot.com/
Shannon- http://my-o-scrappin.blogspot.com/
Amanda- http://a-prata-design.blogspot.com/
Jearise- http://lorbysworld.blogspot.com/
Linda- http://lindascreativity.blogspot.com/
Melissa- http://timeweavers.wordpress.com/
Paula- http://preciouspagesbypaula.blogspot.com/
Claire- http://www.scrapmyway.blogspot.com/
Cathy- http://www.mimi2trentdrew.blogspot.com/
Charity- http://adamsacres.com/
Tricia - http://www.mycrazybubble.blogspot.com/
Liz - http://ScrapiliciousLife.blogspot.com/
Lisa Peters- http://handmadewithlove-lisa.blogspot.com/
Lisa T. - http://bitbythecricutbug.blogspot.com/
Michelle- http://craftychelle.blogspot.com/